Legal information

By accessing this website ( of Soave Private Investors SA (hereinafter “SOAVE”), you explicitly declare that you have read, understood and accepted the following legal information relating to the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), to all its pages and to all material contained therein. If you do not accept or do not understand the conditions set out below, please refrain from accessing the Website and its associated pages.

SOAVE performs its financial activities solely in Switzerland, where it holds all the requested authorizations.
This Website has a purely informative purpose and is addressed exclusively to natural and legal persons, as well as to partnerships and collective entities, with domicile or registered office in Switzerland. This Website, as a whole or in each of its components, is therefore not intended for natural or legal persons, partnerships or collective entities belonging to jurisdictions in which, by virtue of nationality, type of person, actual domicile or residence, registered office or any other reason, access thereto, viewing thereof, availability, publication and the presentation of financial services or the marketing of certain financial products should be prohibited or restricted.
In this context, the use of the English language is only intended as an aid for our (non-Italian speaking) foreign current and prospective clients domiciled or residing in Switzerland. The Italian language is used because SOAVE is active in Switzerland – especially in the Canton of Ticino – where the Italian language is one of the official languages. The use of the Italian language cannot in any way be interpreted as an element of connection with the Republic of Italy or as an indication that SOAVE’s activity is aimed at the Italian market.

The content of the Website (information, opinion, as well as data or any document) is for informational purposes only and shall in no way constitute an invitation, offer, recommendation, advice or inducement to buy or to sell, to apply for or to subscribe to securities, financial instruments, financial or investment products or services, nor persuasion to effect transactions. Furthermore, the content of the Website does not constitute advice on legal, fiscal, business or other matters in any way and is unsuitable as basis for decision-making. Before you make any decision relating to investments, we recommend that you consult with your advisor.
SOAVE declines any liability for losses and/or damage of any kind – whether direct, indirect or consequential – that may derive from the use of and/or access to the Website and its contents, or from links that lead to websites of third parties. The content of this Website is subject to copyright: it is therefore not permitted to reproduce (partially or entirely), transmit (electronically or in any other way), modify or use this Website for any public or commercial purpose without the prior consent of SOAVE.Every care has been taken in preparing the content of the Website. However, no guarantee can be given regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, reliability or update of the proposed contents. These contents may be changed at any time, without notice and there is no obligation to remove information that is no longer up to date from the Site or to explicitly identify it as such.
The Website does not collect and does not intend to collect any personal and sensitive data (such as data concerning political opinions, religious beliefs, health or sexual preferences). To the extent that such data should be collected, your consent will be requested in advance. Please note that if you provide sensitive unsolicited personal data, you consent to it being used. Swiss law applies to this Website and to the legal information contained therein. The courts of Lugano shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising out or in connection with this Website and its use.

I confirm I have read, understood and accepted the above stated terms and conditions, in particular the restriction to access the Website regarding the registered office and/or the domicile, and I confirm that I wish to visit the Website on my own initiative, without having been solicited in any way.
